Interesting Facts About Dolomite Mining And its Attributes


Dolomite has a great economic value & it has been one of the most significant minerals in India. Discover some fascinating information from dolomite mining companies in india.

In geosciences, dolomite has two distinct meanings (similar to "serpentine" or "clay"): Dolomite is an anhydrous carbonate mineral made up of calcium and magnesium carbonates. Dolomite is a sedimentary rock that is primarily composed of the mineral dolomite, according to rock mineralogy. Dolomite mining services are carried out through extraction in India. Due to its indispensable nature, dolomite consumption has also increased significantly.

Characteristics of dolomite

  • Formula for dolomite: CaMg (CO3)2

  • Color of dolomite: White, grey, and worn brown are the colours of the pure ones.

  • Dolomite luster: crystalline, pearly

  • The hardness of dolomite: 3.5 to 4 (Harder than marble and limestone)

  • 2.84 to 2.86 Specific gravity

  • Trigonal system in the dolomite crystal. Rhombohedral crystal, saddle-shaped crystal plane, and frequent twin polycrystals are all characteristics of this substance.

  • Fe, Mn, Co, Pb, and Zn are common contaminants.

  • Associated minerals: galena, sphalerite, quartz, and gypsum.

The majority of dolomite-containing rocks were first formed from calcium carbonate mud. They gathered in the form of shell shards, feces, coral fragments, and carbonate precipitates. The post-depositional modification of lime mud and limestone by magnesium-rich groundwater is assumed to be the origin of dolomite rock.

How do dolomite mining companies distinguish dolomite from limestone?

  • The quantity of magnesium present. While dolomite is mostly composed of dolomite with a calcite component of less than 5%, limestone is primarily composed of calcite (CaCO3) and contains no silica.

  • Dolomite is a little tougher. Limestone has a much softer hardness of 2-4.

  • CO2 is easily produced by limestone's reaction with hydrochloric acid. Dolomite, in comparison, is less reactive with diluted acid and only slowly foams in a powdered or heated form.

  • Dolomite is insoluble in water, resistant to a variety of exterior damages, and more durable than limestone.

The Uses Of Dolomite

The Indian mining sector made a major contribution to the country's economy. Despite this, there hasn't been much attention paid to the mining industry's embrace of new technologies. Mining managers lacked a framework to understand the difficulties in adopting new technology throughout the mining value chain.

Dolomite is used in stream restoration efforts as well as the neutralization of acids in chemical industries. It is also used in some businesses as a source of magnesia, a well-liked animal feed additive. Dolomite is important in animal feed because of its high calcium carbonate and magnesium content, it may be mentioned.

It is frequently used in agriculture as a soil conditioner to balance the acidity. Dolomite is renowned for altering soil pH by perfectly adjusting it to the needs of plants. Consequently, it raises crop yield. Dolomite is also used as a filler in paints, varnishes, and fertilizers.

Finally, it is employed in the production of construction glass, fibreglass, and automobile glass.


Currently, one of the top dolomite mining companies in India is Abhinna Investments. The business offers a lot of this material to various sectors around the nation. When working with Metis Steel, you don't have to worry about the product's quality or purity. They intend to significantly advance the mining business with the aid of their excellent goods and effective services. So don't hesitate any longer and call them right away!


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