
Showing posts from November, 2022

Interesting Facts About Dolomite Mining And its Attributes

  Dolomite has a great economic value & it has been one of the most significant minerals in India. Discover some fascinating information from dolomite mining companies in india. In geosciences, dolomite has two distinct meanings (similar to "serpentine" or "clay"): Dolomite is an anhydrous carbonate mineral made up of calcium and magnesium carbonates. Dolomite is a sedimentary rock that is primarily composed of the mineral dolomite, according to rock mineralogy. Dolomite mining services are carried out through extraction in India. Due to its indispensable nature, dolomite consumption has also increased significantly. Characteristics of dolomite Formula for dolomite: CaMg (CO3)2 Color of dolomite: White, grey, and worn brown are the colours of the pure ones. Dolomite luster: crystalline, pearly The hardness of dolomite: 3.5 to 4 (Harder than marble and limestone) 2.84 to 2.86 Specific gravity Trigonal system in the dolomite crystal. Rhombohedral crystal, saddl

The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly Of Sand Mining In India

  The sand mining companies are stressing the importance of paying attention to the negative impacts of sand mining. Here is what you need to know. Have you ever wondered what happens to all that sand that gets washed away by rivers or streams, or the sand that's on the beach and in the ocean? If you think about it for a second, then you know that there is a lot of sand in our environment. Much of the natural sand is buried under dirt, so people have to go out and conduct sand mining services . How does the sand mining process impact ecosystems? However, sand mining can have a number of negative impacts on the environment. For example, it can lead to the destruction of habitats, the depletion of ground and surface water resources, and the pollution of rivers and coasts. It can also contribute to coastal erosion and the creation of large amounts of waste material. The effects of sand mining on the environment can be both significant and long-lasting. There can be a loss of land fr